Yes, I will thank God and rejoice when someone accepts Jesus Christ.

Just because I may be excited or blessed to hear about someone coming out of Hollywood, the music industry, etc…similar to what happened to me…and getting saved speaking about Jesus…that doesn’t mean I’m saying to now go follow them or even that they are truly saved.

The Bible tells us that even the angels rejoice when someone steps out of darkness and into the light and life of Jesus Christ.
I am always careful to point out that if someone is sincere in doing this, they also need to repent. That means to TURN away from their past sin and unrighteousness.

In addition to that, they have only begun their journey in Christ and are certainly not to be looked to as a “leader” in any way. Not until they have been in Christ for a while and become seasoned and have shown fruit and consistency would that be appropriate.

Apparently, some people are triggered because I rejoice when someone accepts Christ. (Or claims to). Yes, this is where we are at, unfortunately. I’ve even been accused of being part of some sinister plot of who knows what because I have publicly stated I’m happy to hear someone say they accepted Christ.

Some people have way too much time on their hands. Seriously! I am a soul winner and I care about souls. That’s it. That’s why I rejoice when I hear of anyone who says that they have accepted Christ. Famous or not. But again, that doesn’t mean I am endorsing them as I don’t yet know myself if they will stay down the path of righteousness or not. All I am saying is, praise God, let’s see what happens, and give them a chance. I guess to some that’s radical. Imagine if Jesus, who made fishermen into fishers of men, would have acted that way. Jesus cares about our souls. So do I. It’s a passion of mine.

Can we please get back to soul-winning and stop with all the nonsense? I’m just a guy who had a radical Damascus road encounter myself, who once was very lost but who God got a hold of my heart…and am blessed when I see others catch the fire of God. I believe that’s God’s heart! And just so you know, I’m not going to stop.

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