“Two Simultaneous Revolutions”

The Vision I Had About “Two Simultaneous Revolutions”.
In 2011, during the Arab Spring, God gave me a vision. It was during that time while pastoring in Chatsworth, California that I gave a message to the church called “Two Simultaneous Revolutions”. Some people thought I was a bit crazy at the time.
In the vision, God showed me people in the streets here in the United States—rioting, looting, and destroying property. I saw violence, division, and angry mobs. I saw the police and law enforcement standing down. Sound familiar?
He also showed me a great economic peril that would eventually come to the world, where there would be an economic “reset” that would be felt worldwide, but that it would especially hit the United States hard since we hold the global reserve currency. Many things would change in that time. Wars and rumors of wars would intensify, political and social divisions would increase, and massive exposure would also take place.
Revival Revolution
Simultaneously, as these things were happening, I saw a powerful move of God—a Holy Spirit-led “Revival Revolution” where countless people were outside of the four walls of church buildings—but rather also in the streets, parks, beaches, tents, and in houses crying out to God. When the harder times come, people will start to seek God more and more and God will use it for His Glory!
During that time, God’s true church in America will have finally awakened to the urgency of the hour and stepped up to do what we were always supposed to be doing…leading the culture to Christ, operating in the gifts of the Spirit, laying hands on the sick…and getting people saved, set free, healed and delivered. There will be more revival gatherings and the pockets of revival will come together into one eventual massive move of God unlike we have seen before! A Great Awakening! This would lead to a great end-time harvest of SOULS!
But what about the reset?
The coming economic peril could be a ways out yet. It’s hard to tell when this will hit or how—but I believe it is coming. It seems the globalists want some kind of major economic change to take place and are positioning themselves for this to happen before 2030. They have recently rolled out the FED NOW APP and are looking to introduce an eventual digital dollar and CBDC. (Central Bank Digital Currencies)
Most people have no idea much of this is even going on, yet it is one of the biggest and most important issues in this upcoming election and our world today as it will change everything–The way we transact, the way we do business….and our ability to buy and sell! It will probably go completely unreported in this election cycle as the media is aligned with and owned by those who want the US fundamentally transformed. They say it openly “No borders, no wall, no USA at all”. They are very blatant about their globalist desires.
The Strategy
In the days, months, and years ahead, we at TCM and The Remnant will have two main focuses:
- Equipping and preparing the Saints/building community
God has put us in a unique position to do both of these effectively and in a way that has maximum impact. We believe we will not only survive but thrive in what’s to come! We believe that God will prosper those who are aligned with His will and purposes! We are in God’s economy, not the economy of this world. We have His favor and blessings as we are about His business.
We are unshakable. We must be…
In summation, I believe we are at a truly defining moment in time. We are on the cusp of some big changes, but God is with us! As the road gets bumpier, we will see the “Two Simultaneous Revolutions” gaining momentum and speed. One is a very sobering reality, and the other is a powerful move of God!
This group has been raised up for such a time as this.
We will take our positions and stand! We will not back down, cave, or capitulate! We will stand on the promises of God which are “yes, and amen”! We will do His work and speak His truth boldly.
We do daily broadcasts and bi-weekly services where we address this all. Please tune into our podcasts and church meeting services each week. The schedule is here:
Monday-Friday: Daily Podcasts found HERE
Wednesday 7 PM Central “Fire Power” HERE
Friday Night LIVE at the RRC HERE
Sunday Service LIVE HERE
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