The Rise Of The Reformers

As we approach 2025, something profound is happening within the Body of Christ. The reformers are rising. They’ve been here all along, but now their voices are growing louder, their message clearer, and their impact undeniable. What’s different about this moment is the hunger among believers—a deep, unrelenting desire for authenticity, for the real presence of God, and for the unadulterated truth of His Word. This hunger has brought us to a pivotal clash within the Church, one that is as necessary as it is uncomfortable.
For years, we’ve exposed corruption in the political sphere, calling out the deep state and the systems of evil that have infiltrated governments. But now, the spotlight is turning inward. Reformers, emboldened by the Holy Spirit, are beginning to expose the deep church—those who have masqueraded as Christians but are more concerned with appearances, traditions, and maintaining control than with advancing the kingdom of God. These are the modern-day Pharisees, just as present in our time as they were in Jesus’ day. And just as Jesus’ truth disrupted their power, the reformers are now disrupting theirs.
The clash is here. Reformers are a threat to the establishment within the Church, not because they seek power, but because they carry the anointing of the Holy Spirit. They don’t rely on smoke and mirrors, flashy performances, or shallow theology. They speak the truth of the Word of God boldly, and the truth sets captives free. This is precisely what makes them dangerous to the establishment—their authenticity convicts, exposes, and calls for repentance. And for those who have built their faith on religious pretense, repentance feels like a threat.

What makes the reformers distinct is their focus. They’re not interested in building their own kingdoms, amassing followers, or gaining influence. Their sole aim is to build His kingdom. They are driven by obedience to God, empowered by His Spirit, and burdened by a deep love for His people. They carry the heart of reform, not to tear down for the sake of destruction, but to rebuild what has been compromised, restoring the Church to its rightful place as the spotless bride of Christ.
But this rise of the reformers brings a choice—a choice that each of us must make. Will we align ourselves with the reformers, those who seek to walk in the truth and power of the Gospel? Or will we side with the establishment, clinging to comfort, tradition, and superficiality? This isn’t a question we can avoid, because the divide is becoming more apparent with each passing day. The lines are being drawn.
In this hour, the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully, and He is revealing what is authentic and what is counterfeit. The time of lukewarm faith is over. Now is the time to decide. Will we stand with the reformers, embracing the raw, transformative power of God’s Word? Or will we resist, holding onto the shallow and the familiar?
The rise of the reformers is a call to action. It’s a challenge to examine our hearts, to repent of complacency, and to seek the real. This is not just a movement; it’s a divine shift. God is cleansing His house, and the reformers are His instruments. The clash is here. The choice is ours. Let us choose wisely, for the time is short, and the stakes are eternal.