Industry Perspective: Taylor Swift’s New Album

If you have ever spent a good amount of time in “the industry” —Hollywood/music/media/entertainment then you come to understand that most of it is controlled from a high level. I’ll explain…
It’s similar to the corruption in DC and the “puppet masters” behind the scenes that make much of the policy that we see introduced. Much of it is induced by lobbyists and other groups like the CFR, Carlyle Group, Blackrock etc. Too much to explain in a post. There are various influential groups and organizations that have substantial influence over policy etc. behind the scenes. Also globalist organizations like the WEF on a global scale and many more.
It’s the same with singers. Taylor Swifts new album is not surprising to me because I know the industry well. It’s just like when an actor or actress wants to earn their stripes and have favor in the industry…they do whatever rituals and rolls that they are told to do by those who control them. Usually and often involving evil, sexualized, and sometimes even demonic types of parts and acts. In most cases, that is the only way to become that famous. Often you have to “sell your soul” to do so.
I don’t think Taylor has as much control over what she does and sings as many think. I do think she is a pawn of her handlers in the industry in order to push what they want to push on society. They build her up push and promote her with all their levers of power in media to attempt to influence and control the thoughts and emotions of the masses.
Where Taylor is wrong is she goes along with it and allows herself to be used by these dark forces to push their agenda and evil. She could walk away or say no, but as we have seen so many times, that means either she would lose her prominence or even worse. Think about people in the past who came out and exposed. It takes someone who is extremely brave.
This is why God’s word talks about “coming out from among them”. We have to come out of the Babylon system and as believers understand and recognize the actual battle we are in. It’s not one of flesh but rather a spiritual battle.
So of course her music will continue to get more evil and overt. That’s the plan. It’s just like Hannah Montana and how that developed into who Miley Cyrus is today. It always is meant to build a following and then take the followers deeper into darkness. Thats how they hook them. It’s gradual and always gets darker and more evil as it goes.
Meanwhile, many Christian’s will ignore it and not even acknowledge it. Others who sound the alarm are seen as being “religious” or over the top…when in reality they are simply discerning the evil and trying to make others aware not to open those doors in the lives of their own kids and family by exposing them to it.
We have to understand and see the bigger picture. Yes, pray for these young people such as Taylor and others who have allowed their lives to be taken over for fame and money. It’s never worth it. Ever. And eventually the devil wants what’s owed to him. This is why we cannot mix dark and light.
Many people who claim to be followers of Christ, don’t even understand or acknowledge the actual battle we are in.
We are meant to be set apart. We can’t expose our members to this evil. Christian’s can’t participate and partake in the evil of this world and expect to be empowered by the Spirit.
A Christian must come out from among Babylon. This world is fallen and light and darkness cannot mix. We love them and pray for them and do what the Great Commission tells us to do…but we don’t hang out with and participate in the evil. We can’t.
We have to understand the battle.