by Mario Murillo | Jan 10, 2024 | Mario Murillo Ministries | 90 comments
Donald Trump cannot save America. All the more reason to vote for him.
Christians who oppose Trump will say just the opposite. They will tell you not to vote for Trump because he cannot save America.
But then the believers who back Trump will say, ‘Vote for him because he can save the nation.’ It seems I disagree with everyone. But hold on.
Trump cannot save America because America’s crisis is supernatural.

America is perverted by demonic power.
Trump cannot save America because America’s crisis is supernatural. All of the players you see in power are just puppets belonging to the ruler of this world. Our national crises are just symptoms of a deeper condition. Satan and demonic rulers are behind it all.
Arthur Matthew said, “The attacks that are physical and come against us through our circumstances are only the symptoms of the very real hostility of the world rulers of the darkness under the prince of the power of the air. Our first call is to withstand these invisible enemies.”
The Bible puts it this way: “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12).

America is perverted by demonic power. It cannot be lectured out. And cannot be voted out. It can only be cast out. And that can only be done by the anointing that breaks the yoke.
Again, this is what anti-Trumpers tell you is the reason to skip Trump. But that is precisely the reason to vote for Trump. How can that be?
Here is how both the Trump supporters and the anti-Trumpers have got it wrong:
Here is how both the Trump supporters and the anti-Trumpers have got it wrong:
Anti-Trump Christians fail to see Trump’s role in revival. They are in denial. And do not understand the urgency. Nor can they see we are out of time. Spiritually, they are like the Green terrorists who want us to drop all fossil fuels—even though they have no alternative, and even though it would destroy us.
Anti-Trump Christians ignore the disaster of four more years of Biden.

Anti-Trump Christians ignore the disaster of four more years of Biden. You hear them drone on about how imperfect Trump is. They have no answer for this election. They plan on sitting it out, feeling self-righteous, while in a catatonic state.
Have they considered why Trump is so hated? Why are the villains so infuriated? How can you explain the relentless attacks on him? What is it about Trump that is such a threat?
The fact is that Trump can buy us time—time for the American church to wake up and fulfill their role in redeeming our nation. God has sent Trump to buy us that time!

But those who believe Trump can save us can also be a barrier to revival.
But those who believe Trump can save us can also be a barrier to revival. Their thinking is totally in the natural. If they think referendums, debates, endless investigations and revenge on their political enemies is the answer…we are sunk!
To take back our house, we must bind the strongman. MAGA believers need to realize the urgency of revival—a true revival. An outpouring of the Holy Spirit bringing paralyzing conviction and repentance will snatch this nation out of the jaws of death.
Trump cannot save America. But he will buy us time for God to save America.
All the more reason to vote for him.