Should We Fear The Upcoming Eclipse?

We don’t need to fear the upcoming solar eclipse but should consider it a potential sign of the times.
There is quite a buzz online about the upcoming solar eclipse today. In this article, we will discuss many of the things being said.
As I mentioned in a previous video, some are saying things such as “It will pass through 7 cities named Nineveh” & “NASA will shoot rockets into the eclipse”. Also, some are saying that “the National Guard has been mobilized” for the solar event. There is a lot of talk about Jonah, Nineveh, and the call to repentance.
Let’s examine these claims and more below.
Some scriptures speak about signs in the heavens. One of them is found in Luke 21:25-26, where Jesus is describing the events that will precede His second coming.
The passage reads:
“And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of heaven will be shaken.”
This passage is part of Jesus’ eschatological discourse, where He provides a prophetic overview of the end times. The “signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars” symbolize cosmic disturbances and events that are indicative of the dramatic changes and turmoil that will mark the period leading up to the end of the age and the return of Christ.
We are in a season of dramatic changes and there has certainly been an increase in global turmoil. That being said, this most likely means that we are getting closer to the end of the age and that we will continue to see an increase in the “birth pangs” and prophetic events. This does not mean it is the end just yet, however. No one knows the day nor the hour of Christ’s return.
Some are suggesting this may be the “sign of Jonah”. The reference to the “sign of Jonah” in the context of an end times prophecy or as a sign given by Jesus to His generation is found in Matthew 12:39-40 and Luke 11:29-30.
Here is the passage from Matthew:
“But He answered and said to them, ‘An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.'”
In this context, Jesus refers to His resurrection as the ultimate sign to an unbelieving generation, analogous to Jonah’s experience with the fish. The “sign of Jonah” is Jesus’s way of pointing to His death and resurrection as the pivotal event through which people should understand His identity and mission, rather than seeking additional miraculous signs. This also marks the new covenant period which we are in. Most theologians would agree that this passage doesn’t directly speak to the end times but does serve as a critical validation of Jesus’s messianic claims and a call to faith and repentance for all.
Claim: There are 7 cities named Nineveh that the eclipse will pass over.
Answer: Are there 7 cities named Nineveh in the path of the solar eclipse? Not directly. There are 2 in the direct path and a few others in close proximity. There are 7 places in America named Nineveh. These are located in the states of Indiana, Missouri, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Virginia. Is it interesting that the eclipse passes through some of these cities and close to others? Yes.
Claim: There is also a town named “Rapture” and “Jonah” in the path of the eclipse.
Answer: The community named Rapture is located in Harmony Township, Posey County, in the state of Indiana. Yes, there is also a town named Jonah. It’s located in Williams County, Texas.
Claim: Nasa will be “shooting rockets” into the eclipse.
Answer: Yes, NASA will be launching three sounding rockets into the moon’s shadow during the total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. The purpose of this mission called the Atmospheric Perturbations around Eclipse Path (APEP), is to study how Earth’s upper atmosphere is affected when sunlight momentarily dims over a portion of the planet.
These rockets will be launched from NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. This unique scientific opportunity allows researchers to gain insight into the disturbances in the atmosphere caused by the temporary reduction in solar radiation, contributing to our understanding of atmospheric dynamics.
Claim: Is “APEP” a demonic name?
Answer: In ancient Egyptian mythology, Apep (also spelled Apophis) is the embodiment of chaos and is often depicted as a giant serpent or snake. Apep is considered the eternal enemy of Ra, the sun god.
Coincidence? I think not.
Claim: CERN will be restarted on April 8, 2024.
Answer: Yes, CERN will be reactivated on April 8, 2024. The first collisions of proton beams at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are expected on that day, following the completion of all tests and fine-tuning of the machine after its annual winter shutdown.
Note: There is a statute outside of CERN that depicts the Hindu god “Shiva”. Shiva is known as the transformer or destroyer.
Claim: The last two eclipses combined with the April 3rd one make the Hebrew symbol for Tav.
Answer: Yes, they appear to make a similar symbol to the ancient Hebrew symbol Tav. Tav has many meanings and is often said to symbolically mean the end of days or the completion of God’s plan.
Claim: The National Guard has been deployed.
Answer: Yes, the National Guard has been planned for deployment in anticipation of the upcoming total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. This deployment, particularly mentioned for Oklahoma, is in response to the expected influx of up to 100,000 visitors in certain areas, aiming to assist with emergency management and ensure safety amid the large gatherings of people coming to observe the eclipse.
Should we be worried? No. While there is definitely significance and importance to this solar event, it is not clear that it means there will be an immediate impact or destructive event. While possible, it most likely is yet another sign from God that the hour is getting later, the birth pangs are increasing, and there is a call to repent and take our relationship with God seriously.
Do I believe there is significance in this eclipse? I do. I believe God is giving us many opportunities to repent as a nation and people and to return back to our first love. I believe He is certainly doing many things to get our attention and to wake up those who are still asleep.
We will continue to see increased global events that will point towards the lateness of the hour and the return of our Lord. This isn’t a season where anyone should be sitting on the fence. The Bible says we are either hot or cold. That the lukewarm will be “spit out”.
We will also see more and more signs in the heavens as the hour gets later and the return of Jesus gets closer. There are many prophetic signs happening right now that we should take seriously.
There is also a call to know God…and His Holy Word…and to obey it, and live it out.
Remember that fear is not from God.
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